Monday, March 24, 2008


It is an incredible experience to see the thirst of the people, people wanting to be closer to Him. To celebrate His Victory on the Cross, yesterday leaving an awesome worship experience, a day filled with hours of labor and celebration, I was driving back home and saw the Crosses outside churches draped with white cloth. Representing His victory on the Cross, the Risen Savior, an empty tomb and salvation for those that seek Him. This year far more impact on my life as I am able to better understand the pain and suffering He has endured, the sacrifice He has made. My life not just claiming Christ with my lips and denying Him with my lifestyle, walking with Him in all things.

Watching the people moving through the doors to worship, leaving changed, influenced by the cross, it was powerful to be a part of this day. When those coming to church, often as Pastor stated CEO's (Christmas, Easter Only), what was different this time....not the message of only the Victory of the Cross, the Easter story. Pastor challenged us to understand the relationship of our God, not believing in someone else's relationship, but ours. To develop this relationship intimately with Him, he is our Savior, our Salvation, our Victory over the strongholds in our lives. I witnessed what appeared to be a river flowing to the "Next Level" table to be given a bible and some other information for beginning a journey in Him. The people I met as I escorted them to the table, the stories I heard, the line I witnessed, these all proved a powerful testimony of the Hope in the Cross. This is the difference in my life today, for so many years I struggled to Faith based on others relationships in Him to find my floundering has produced a thirst for me to find mine in Him. My relationship in Him is the only gateway to true freedom and an authentic life based in Truth. My relationship in him is the only one to produce life changing power to break free from the bonds and chains that can hold me back from a life in him, from Victory based on the grace and suffering He has endured for me. Romans 8:17 Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.