When you hear that voice inside what do you do? I am beginning to hear things more clearly and it is not the food talking!
Today, I heard this "I have brought people to you, now you need to bring people to me." See the witnessing thing has never been my strong suit. Just let my actions speak. For me it is the easy way, never having to step from my comfort. I know that He has plans for my life, comfort is not what's important. I have a bold confidence, not there before. I have the ability to meet people through compassionate understanding, I have been there & I have been forgiven.
Just the other day I was sitting at God's Nectar House (Starbucks) with a new friend, had to thank God, because as I listened to him, it was clear He is using me. I was where he was just a few years ago. Our prayer has always been that He uses our testimony to serve His Kingdom...He is!
To this point it has only required being willing. He is now requiring more from me. I see how God is using my mistakes for His glory. The things that once separated me from Him are now what draw me closer......
I responded, at the very moment He spoke; the person He needed me to speak to was directly in sight. Can not just let my actions speak, I have to voice my actions. He loves me that much...to surround me with people who need to know!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
what counts....
Perspective of judgements....
Galatians 6:15 "....what counts is a new creation."
Shame and guilt have kept my life devoid of His power, freedom and grace.
I could never seem to seperate myself from judgement I placed on myself. I must step out of His way, He has shown me value in the new creation I have become. The Victory is won, He doesn't throw our sin back in our face, that's been ransomed, paid and forgiven. "There is no ressurection without a crucifixion." Let go of my understanding and allow His power in the provisions. I appreciate Perry's practical truth in the week2 message from "God is....."series.
So what counts is a new creation, I must remember actively that I am a new creation. Stop bearing the burdens He has already lifted. Stop holding on to what does not belong to me. Start living for today, start believing God is......
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
"The place between hope and change....is pain." Real Change Campaign (week4) The difference today I used to believe a message was all it took, "why does it not root?" Then I hear something that describes the very difference in my life today. I used to think God's transformational power could come from a message...because I just wanted to be fed and changed.
A sermon can offer hope
Hope fosters a decision
Decision ministers change
Change demands that I do something more than just listen.....
Stop waiting for the answer, start moving towards it.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Sandra and I have had conversations about expectations, that others place, that we place on any given situation. I was struck by the profound revelation, "having no expectations is even an expectation." Communication is what will bring the greatest opportunity to grace. Sometimes you have to speak to the unspoken.
An example, last night someone told me he would be in early to make up 4 hrs. missed. So at when I arrived to find he was not here, my expectations went unmet. At 7:45 (15 min. early)when he arrived "early" I thought it really would have helped if I had asked "what does early mean?"
Sandra had a conversation with someone about how we didn't meeting her expectations, when they were never spoken; only expected. Fact is we never will live up to the expectations of some, if you answer one there will always be another. I lived my childhood insecure by unmet expectations placed on me. Most of which were never spoken, imprisoned by others self imposed out of fear, insecurity a lack of self esteem.
It is easier and I am better at not speaking what needs to be spoken. It is the same thing spiritually for me, when I articulate to God what I carry, it is the only way I allow Him to take it from me. Often it is what's unsaid that can hurt the deepest, so why not just say it, He is just waiting to exceed my expectations; if I ask. That's Grace!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
In me, not on me.....
Visiting Starbucks this morning someone mentioned her daughter that suffers from an eating disorder. I asked more, since she was speaking about it. She said "she is anorexic." Immediately my heart felt burdened, pained for this girl. Immediately my response was "I will pray for her," as 1 Thessalonians 5:17 came to mind "pray without ceasing."
What burdens my heart most is that Satan uses the power of our affliction and sin to bind us in the bondage. The bondage of shame and guilt that holds us back from the Resurrection power of Jesus Christ. We are blinded to receiving the grace He paid in the ultimate sacrifice of death on the cross. The fact is we're wrong in our perspective, pray that we may see through His eyes. "See God in me, not the filth that was on me."
Chris Tomlin's "Amazing Grace" he sings "My God my Savior has ransomed me." He has paid the price, even if I feel no worth, He knew the cost He would pay. It was never the cost....it was all the value! My commission as a believer and father is to make sure I do not miss the opportunity to share the value. The cost can keep us captive, the value will set us free....