Had lunch with a friend today, when I suddenly realized God was speaking to me. We were talking about life, real life "can not always win life." The real deal, smelly stuff you do not want exposed kind of life, because you are way vulnerable life, what will they think of me life. When He dropped this revelation into my lap, there is 2 kinds of "BROKEN."
The first is the kind of broken most people may know...they think they are broken; when in fact they are only embarrassed. There is a big difference, how do you respond to that feeling of broken. You still want to hide it, manipulate it, and shade what people really see, it's prideful. The kind that ultimately keeps people and peace away. The kind that seperates you from the Grace of God.
The other kind of "broken" is the real thing, the kind that can find power through weakness. The kind that feels like you like you've been run over. The kind that praises without saying all the right things. The kind that draws you closer to others, in humility. The kind that can provide the hope needed to remember His faithfulness even when you do not feel it. The kind that seeks prayerfully. The only kind that can provide HOPE even if you are still taking on water.
So as I enjoyed yet another blessing from God, a friend who gets it! I have been both kinds of broken, one is far better than the other. I am grateful He has brought people into my life who understand it's not what you have done, it's what He is doing! Best of all neither one of us noticed it must have smelled! It is Grace to win, not grace to sin....
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
give to grow...
Matthew 25:14-30 speaks of the parable of the talents, more specifically for me the one who took no risk with while the others took a risk of uncertainty. The others took that faith lead risk, that they may grow in faith. They risked it all so that God would act on their action.
Thanks Holly for making this so clear, in your message, "PURE." I am surrounded by great people. People who seem to be available, willing to allow God to use them as assets in the lives of others. By that very response and action of availability they are avoiding spiritual stagnation. They are the ones growing, the ones I am drawn to. See God will use you, only you stand in the way of that power. Sandra said something last night to me, she has been entrusted with something. Though she may wish to bury it in the earth (she knows what I am talking about) many feet under the soil! She said, "I may not care about this....., but I care about the relationship." What Sandra said was a simple statement with powerful impact on me, essentially you have to risk....you give to grow!
Here's revelation to me; you grow spiritually by investing yourself into people, using the gifts, talents and resources God has invested into you. Avoid spiritual stagnation by allowing Him to use those very gifts, do not hide them in the sand. He will then show you, He can then use you, He then can feel your worship! As Pastor Steven said this past Sunday, worship is equal parts revelation and response.....
Monday, May 11, 2009
The old familiar predicament of searching for potential employees, balancing a sense of humor and integrity! Here is a direct quote from a resume'! So good I had to post it as life is just simply funny sometimes....
"Self employed, owner of ------.,(til this fine economy of ours went into the crapper)
I'm located in Waxhaw and would be willing to provide references should this actually go anywhere....
....but I'm headed to Charlotte Motor Speedway on Wednesday and will be out of contact til the last race is done..... and the last beer gone!" See in my industry, here in "NASCAR country," there are only a couple of things that take priority over a serious job hunt! Race weeks & beer, Hunting Season & beer! Comforting to know I have 2 full weeks before I have to make my final decision about his employment with us!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Holy Spirit....
When praying for some friends, over circumstances in their lives that it would be easy to pass judgement, clearly not mine to pass. I would miss the entire lesson of loving others!
Could it be that because of our insensitivity to the working of the Holy Spirit, we often fail to recognize the inner ministry of God in other people's lives?
I came across the story of Hannah & Eli in 1 Samuel, when it became clear for me. Whenever we are tempted to judge another person, I must remember how Eli misunderstood Hannah. Because we cannot fully understand others, we often misinterpret their motives and conduct. Since God alone knows the thoughts and intentions of our hearts, He alone fully understands what motives our behavior.
Simply, I remember Matthew 7:1 "Do not judge, or you too will be judged"
Would it not be better to love others.....than to judge others?
Friday, May 1, 2009
Now just the other day I was holding hands and skipping in a parking lot with one of my daughter's. When someone stopped me, literally stopped me and asked "why are you skipping?" I responded "why wouldn't I?"
1. I was blessed with the opportunity to serve at the non-conference THR3E, all day I was skipping, what a blast to honor and serve God's anointed.
2. That night go to men's group, discuss "The cost of your calling" a message of Pastor Steven's
3. Work is beginning to turn around. Sat in another job meeting when I realized His Provincial timing. Began thinking how will we ever be able to keep up? (been awhile since last had those thoughts!)
4. Heading to a wedding with my best friend, my heart still skips (like a falling chair) when I think about her!
5. My life is surrounded by incredible people
6. My life is blessed with God's Grace
7. My life is filled with restoration, forgiveness, & repentance....I am a new creation in Him!
8. My life is filled with opportunity to PRAISE HIM & Rejoice
9. Did I mention getting away with my bride?
10. Hey Jamie, thanks you've helped my to know how to "choose joy!"
"why wouldn't I skip?"
If you see someone skipping, stop them and ask "why are you skipping!"