A friend said to me this morning describing my belief in Him and practice there of....."you set sail without the sail being raised, the difference today is your sail has been raised, your bearings are set to the horizon and their is an objective, a destination."
Why does it sound so easy to understand? I was set adrift in the past, trying to head in the right direction, but being tossed about occasionally making progress to the destination, all too often being pushed ashore in the tide. Now I can be more effective, even as the winds change, I come about and I am still heading to the objective. I am allowing Him to fill my sails and push me towards His destination for me. He will fill the sails, I must remain focused on Him continuing to move towards Him.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
set adrift....
Saturday, January 24, 2009
You ever feel so blown away by His love? All I can say is He provides, Agape Love is so much bigger than any words I would be able to use to express His Grace and our gratitude. So what do you say when His people respond by blessing others?
Let me just try, "Thanks, I am so humbled by His provisions in our life. So humbled I can not sleep, all I can do is lay awake thanking Him for the people in our life. This has been such an incredible journey filled with opportunity to trust in Him. Where I used to simply give up and take my will back because I was so uncomfortable believing I was worthy of His Grace & Love. Now I kneel before Him, all He asks of me is that I believe He died for me. I have to live like I believe, respond to His call & His love fills our life. A peace of life that surpasses all understanding....His love...I believe."
See when I speak of His love, I believe in the significance and value of what He has done for me. I was only able to see what I used to be, now His righteousness has restored me. Amazing Grace....I was blind but now I see. Here's the perfect description of what is happening in my life, thanks Neicy (or have a tissue for this one) for saying exactly what I was thinking, "that people may see God in me, rather than the filth that was on me." Thanks to Him, out of the water I am a new man!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Perspective today hits hard as the shop is almost full again with people....work...and fresh reflection. Today's thought while working in the shop 3 radios stations, 1 ipod all programmed to something different. Used to flip me out, yet I never wanted to be the one to let go of what I wanted to hear. Today, it is a symphony of harmonies to my ears, a punch of gratitude and a dose of reality all at the same time.
Just proves how insignificant the issues and how significant the people. Where else can you hear Fleetwood Mac-Breaking Benjamin-Casting Crowns-Latin beats & Pastor preach about Mephibosheth which is almost harder to say than singing along with the Latin hip-hop! Just a little helpful dose of what's good for me....Praising God!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
picture this...
Here is an image that I have not been able to let go of....not even sure where or how it landed. The importance is it did.
"Who do you surround yourself with.....those who lean on the cross, our those who kneel before the cross?"
This has proven to be an absolutely powerful image to understand and contemplate. I think I have begun to realize a significant difference as a believer. I have been both, one is proving to be far more powerful in the supernatural transformation of my life and my service to Him. I pray every time I open my eyes it is the foot of the cross that is the first thing I see.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Spare tire...
About 2 years ago I was driving in my truck, I felt a sudden thud then in my rear view I something bounce across the road. It looked like a wheel, it was my spare tire, the mounting had rotted and suddenly let go. I was thinking this was miraculous, it let go from under my truck, bounced across a major roadway and onto the side of the road. Now it took me a little to realize what had happened, and respond to it. When I did respond I can remember that I even said to myself, "well maybe I do not even need it, after all my truck was 13 years old and I had not needed it before, so will I need it in the future?"
I have been thinking about this recently, there is so much to think about.
1. I was willing to risk my safety and not have a spare.
2. No one was injured as it easily could have caused an accident.
3. It was questionable if it was worth my efforts to go after it.
4. Ignore and pretend it never happened.
What has been circulating in my brain is this, God has always been there waiting on me to see Him. I was treating my relationship with Him like a spare tire. Truth is I was waiting for Him to respond to me. He finally said "what do I need to do to get your attention?" Was it not enough He was bouncing in my rear view mirror trying to get my attention. As He bounced, danced across the road not only grabbing my attention, others as well. I turned around and picked it up, threw into the bed...strapped it in and keep it from getting away. I realized, I thought I did not need it, but have realized just how much I need Him.
I have to stop treating my love for Jesus like a spare tire, call on it only when I need it. He wants so much more for me.....
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Believe in the value...
Studying Matthew 26, Jesus in Gethsemane as Pastor has shared a message about these passages. I have had a number of conversations with men recently that have drawn me back to this message "The cost of your calling." What has spoken to me most is the burden that Jesus bore for me. In v.38 Jesus was overwhelmed at the cost, yet He focused on the value of what He was doing......for you and for me.
In v.41 Jesus goes on to say "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."
Be on guard. It's one thing to understand with my brain, until I bear that burden and understanding in my heart I believe it is impossible to see the call. I am sickened to know that I was to keep watch, over my own heart and I fall asleep. I love this sickening feeling "I now have this in my heart." I am believing more than ever in the value of His calling on me. I still must be on guard for the stakes continue to grow. The pressing continues with even more pressure, to extract every drop of oil from the olive.
All that I/we have gone through will serve His "calling." You do not get to turn your calling off. The value is too significant. He went to the Cross for me....He knew the cost and died for me.