Friday, August 29, 2008


Last winter I had a client that wanted us to do more work. We had completed a home office for them, she had then decided she wanted a "wow" kitchen. Bottom line we met, measured and began the process, I could not produce the drawings quick enough for them as they were leaving for Florida for the winter. She decided to get another company involved, because I was too busy to help on her timeline before they left for the winter. In this day and age of email, video messaging, Internet capabilities I could not understand their haste. We had even discussed me visiting them in Florida as have their own plane to bring samples back and forth etc. Really what they wanted was the home to be complete in April when they returned, construction completed.
Well they were able to find that company who was ready to jump right in, design and build in such a short period of time. They did...and they returned from wintering in Florida.......
Upon their return she walked in to her new kitchen and gasped. This was not the "wow" she thought she would feel. It is a nice kitchen, simply did not make the impact nor the statement they hoped to experience. She called me back and asked me to come up to help walk through and offer some thoughts. She admitted her mistake, stated they were not involved enough in the process. Clearly unable to articulate their hopes and desire for their home to this other company. The more you look around the less it all fits together and leads to the "WOW" factor.
We are now completely redesigning a new kitchen for them, mostly because her first impression has stuck in her head.
My points here could be many, but more importantly communication with careful articulation. See she can not be satisfied, because the first impression will always make that statement to her. Changing things and adding bandages is just that, it still falls short of living with the "wow" impact. The first impression will be there underneath the patches, you only have one shot at that first impression. Another reason I am in such "awe and wonder" for the staff and volunteers of Elevation Church that never stop short of making that lasting impression. There is only one shot at a first impression, after that you have redouble and start over to make that impression....

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I feel as though we/I am under attack. We have been extremely busy and as a result things get overlooked, are missing or incomplete. This is not good, and I must address the root of the issue and be better organized that I may also breed better organization. As things around are creating problems out of our control, there simply is no argument when we may have some contributing factor in this.
A couple of weeks ago, I was mowing the lawn and put the lawn mower away in the garage. The following week, I pulled the mower out to cut it again. Something was wrong the self-propelled transmission was not working. This meant greater effort, I had to push the mower all by myself. Instead of "getting under the hood" and investigate I just pushed and said I will look into it later. So I cut the lawn the following week I pull the gear box cover off, checked the cable and looked into everything I could to make sure connections were in proper order. I found nothing wrong, so I cut the lawn again manually, "after all it's better exercise." I was overlooking the problem, making excuses, and just living with it the way it was...avoiding the problem. Well the following week I started the mower resolved in the fact I would just have to get used to pushing the mower. Then I looked down and saw the speed control was turned all the way down. Yes, I felt kind of stupid at this point, but on the other hand it was like receiving a blessing.
What is my moral to the story? When I am too busy I am only setting myself up for problems. I get too used to just adjusting, accepting or over looking the real issues. So even if I am under attack or being tested I have to make sure my life is in order and I am not leaving myself exposed to something for Satan to grab hold of, sometimes it is just the simplest of things.

Monday, August 25, 2008

"Has no one condemned you...."

John 8:9-11
9 When the accusers heard this, they slipped away one by one, beginning with the oldest, until only Jesus was left in the middle of the crowd with the woman. 10 Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?”
11 “No, Lord,” she said. And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”

I was floored by something today that just powerfully spoke to me from John 8:9-11. Simple words from Jesus, as the woman caught stood in front of an angry mob that was trying to discredit Jesus and His teaching. He says in the verse proceeding "If any of you is without sin, let him cast the first stone." I have heard sermons, teachings and many messages about this verse, this is powerful in it's weight and significance. It's the next verses that spoke today and there are so many things about this I do not understand, like the oldest leaving first and so on. That I am sure is incredibly packed with it's own nuggets. He knew none would cast a stone, he changed the angry crowd with simple words totally transformed those in His presence. What was Jesus drawing in the dirt, during this time as He looked down?!?!
It was His words alone, He did not even have to look people in the eye to have them hear Him. Truth that descends all nations, generations and situations. Immediately, I thought what if that one self righteous fool (because I have been that one) stood there and cast a stone. What would He say...then? Jesus did not have to say anything then!!!!! It did not happen, He totally defused the situation, by simple presenting the "Gospel." Then Jesus said to the woman "Has no one condemned you?" The lesson no one condemned her, not even Jesus. Is this not freedom, "Go now and leave your life of sin."

Friday, August 22, 2008

What an awesome time it is....

I am excited to find where the Lord is leading us as a family. My loving, wonderful wife taking a new role in her life, as she home schools our girls. The adjustment seems to have gone well, kids enjoying their teacher! Jessica having been baptised at Elevation Church 2 weeks ago. What more could go on in our world, total transformation! In the midst of the 21 day Daniel Fast, along with hundreds of others, my heart is about to burst as I wait to see where He is bringing us. Our church launches a new campus this Sunday, "Uptown." Exciting times in life as He continues to build me as a man, in His image. I feel as though I am experiencing an incredible move of God, and I am on board!
With all this good, I just want to ask Him to be patient as I am finding someone really stepping on my nerves around every corner. I will not lash out, but it seems every attempt I make towards acceptance of him, I am hit with another opportunity to pray! Just goes to show me just how much I need Him, need His direction and need to remember His sacrifice for me......
Just a little perspective.... BTW Sandra, I am proud of you, your willingness to serve Him and honor me is a testimony of your faith! I love you. What more could a man ask for?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cardboard testimonies...

What an incredible experience to participate in this worship celebration. Sunday morning in all services at Elevation we celebrated the back of these cardboard testitmonies. It is not where you were, what you've done or who you is all about what, who and where we are in Christ today. The healing, delivering and merciful Grace for all to find in Him. As I wrestled all week knowing I was going to participate to share my/our testimony with others, I reviewed, revised and edited my story. All week Sandra and I would have a discussion, as we have prayed that we could make a difference, serve and honor Him. Well, fortunately(I guess) I have one of those testimonies that where ever a story was missing I could probably fill that blank! Yes, I have lead a life filled with many selfish, self will run rampent and poor choices! Rarely a lack of excitement when I am in charge, stupidity rules!
Anyway our week was discussing, calling LB and telling him what we were thinking. Talking some more, editing and revising, calling LB and telling him what we were thinking. Another conversation, calling LB and saying "just use us in anyway that we may serve Him."
What's the lesson to be learned.....why limit the power of God? You see I continued to edit and revise my testimony, when we came complete circle here. I am what I am, it is not what others think, God is in me, transformed me and delivered me! Why edit that, because "what will they think of me?" starts taking over questioning where I am in Him. That is the perfect example for me to understanding limiting the power of God. What did I learn? He impressed on me I must realize "He is the author!" No editing needed, yes He is the author!!!!!!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

So perhaps you've heard....

The Daniel Fast to this point is most certainly an adjustment to normal conditions. My body performs differently without 6 iced shots of espresso! Black Gold, liquid love, my friend we may reunite after 21 days! Honestly somehow it seems my days are longer, want to nap just a little more and seems I need to snack! It is finally here though, somehow I know God is going to use this time and obedience to powerfully move me, my family and business. This I am most excited about, what He will reveal to me. Really everything I hold close in my dietary relationship is being juggled and removed, willingly. I have at least a hundred others in the same place as me, so why complain, "just do it." I will admit 21 days seems a long way off, but I only have today, before you know it......I may return to my Starbucks! Just a pipe dream right now!
I am excited to serve Him. Pastor thanks for your vision. Lord thanks for your faithfulness!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Olympic mindset....

Years ago I, was at the OTC (Olympic Training Center) in Minnesota, I was surrounded by athletes who had an internal drive and vision to be champions. What resonated in my mind after spending time skating, training and working out with them was their mindset. The focus of their attention was not to beat others, but to be the best they can be. When called on to perform in their discipline, they expected the best from themselves, it had nothing to do with their competition.
Here's another approach, when researching a purchase of machinery or equipment, I come in contact with sales people who rep manufacturers. Some approach this potential sale knocking and pointing out specific short-comings of other manufacturers, rather than focusing on the sale of their equipment. They look to the weakness of others rather than their strengths, my response is typically to tune them out, or begin to see that I should look more to the competition because they spend so much time attacking the others. They compare points and parts on many rather than focusing on their product. Integrity becomes more in question as they are trying to beat the others, rather than to build a sound foundation. When a sales rep tells me about their equipment and only theirs the questions are answered, more fundamentally sound, it gives me the facts I am seeking.
Far too often I am in situations in life that my instinct is to look around, questioning others, myself and wanting to be better than them. My measure is far short from my being the best I can. I am a competitor rather than a champion.
What am I driving at, for me to be more effective I must not worry about others and what is around me. I must focus more on how can I be the best I can be. To be a true champion I have to instinctively call upon the strength from within, call on His Glory and Power. When I am focused on beating others, someone will come on the other side and overtake me because my focus is not on my victory, my best or where my strength comes from. My goal is bound in comparison rather than to be a champion. I stand in the way of the Power...I limit myself and His Power in me.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


God gives you what you need, He is faithful. As I strive to be the spiritual leader He intends me to be, He continues to disclose His mighty work.

In the hearts of those that love Him, they publicly proclaim a sign of Faith, in this case my oldest being baptised by Pastor. It has been an incredible experience to see the move of God in the hearts of His people. To hear the stories of hearts restored, families blessed and all charged with the Spirit of service to Him.
This was truly a momentous day in my life as Jessica had decided she wanted to be Baptised, choking that lump in my throat, eyes filled with tears, I am reminded just how great God is to me, my family and our children. Not only this reminder, but as I was sitting at my desk sobbing when I opened an email from Jody, who had put together a video of Jessica on this day. Not only is He blessing our family, He is surrounding us with the most incredible people who share this heart!
Again, I find myself wiping tears from my eyes praising Him for His Grace.
Hang on, as Elevation is focused on the vision, "So that people far from God, filled with life in Christ," a new season is upon us, the next few weeks will be filled with even more movement in this city. 1044 Baptisms in 2 weeks, it has just one can receive this credit but Him who lived and died for us. Daniel 1:17 "....And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds." Samuel 14:7 "Do all that you have in mind....I am with you heart and soul."

Friday, August 8, 2008

sock trauma defused.....

Yesterday, a hurdle of immense proportion was brought to my attention. As I noticed one of the guys walking funny, I asked "what's the matter?" I mean you'd a thought there was a major problem, surgery just the day before or something! Wincing pain and anguish at every step of the way. His response, "I forgot my socks!" Not just that, but "I have to go to Wal-Mart and pick some socks up, it's too hot to work without them!" As I listened to incredible (insert sarcasm) dilemma, many things rushed through my head, the foremost thought "I cried because I had not shoes, until I saw a man with no feet." Oh my gosh, you'da thought the world was going to end on account of the missing socks. With compassion (insert sarcasm) in my heart, I suggested if you are still suffering at lunch he could use his lunch time to go purchase socks! Or I said, I could just send you home for the day, unpaid, your choice." It was like a rehearsed step, drag, wince, slightly embellished and over acted! I am not doubting or questioning his need for socks, I may have been more skeptical than compassionate! Ironically, what happened when presented with the choices (options I suggested) somehow he was able to muster up the stamina to put up with the pain, in fact I did not see the wincing the rest of the day! The lesson I have learned from this trauma in his life applied to mine, be more careful when you get dressed! Do not always focus on the problem, in fact just by persevering, turning your attention away, you may find you have the strength provided. Before you know it a stronghold overcome!

Oh, yeah I need to work on the compassion in these situations, without sarcasm!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

How the Lord answers prayer...

The last 2 weeks, especially last 100 hours have been perhaps the most difficult in my life for pressure, commitment, sense of duty. When I wanted to give in, throw in the towel the Lord provided more than enough of everything I needed. I can not even explain what I have felt in this time in my life, an opportunity of a lifetime to stand in His strength.
Yesterday, when this crazy cycle in life was wrapping up, while on the set of EMHE, Sandra called and said Bob was not doing well. Bob our dear golden retriever, 15 years old, had lead a good life, the best dog I may ever know. I raced home from the set and was there for his last hours on earth with us. We have been through this when Chloe passed just a few months ago, never known the shear pain and anguish the loss of "man's best friend." Bob defied the odds throughout his life a number of times, this was Bob. He never gave in to be a normal dog, he was always a survivor, never know he was in pain. Yesterday was different, I left the house at 5:00 and knew in my heart something was different today, Sandra woke to the same feeling. Bob was ready to be with the Lord and Chloe.
All I can take away from this whirlwind of emotion is as the King Family receives new life through the heart and sweat involved in Extreme Makeover Home Edition, our home too is going through it's own Extreme Makeover, life without Bob. He has always been a regal and noble dog, bringing so much to our lives through his life, heart and devoted love! "We love you big boy," Lord thank you for all the joy we've found through his life and death.